System Sent Messages

Peach automatically sends messages on your behalf. For example when autopay is enabled for a borrower a message with subject autopayEnabled is sent.

Automatically Calculated Context Vars

When the Peach system sends messages it automatically calculates context variables. These context variables can be referenced in the template content. For example, when the system sends autopayEnabled it includes the populated context variables paymentMethod, paymentMethodLastFour, and paymentSchedule.


Peach comes with predefined template content out-of-the-box. You can customize the content of these messages by updating the content of the template associated with the subject. See Update Template Version.

If you choose to customize the content of a template it's important to understand that different interaction subjects have different automatically calculated context variables.

For example, you can see below the subject autopayAmountChanged with context variables company, person, loan, extraCharge, paymentAmount and paymentDueDate. This means for the template with subject=autopayAmountChanged you can write a template like:

Hello {{}},

This is {{company.brandName}} from {{company.domainName}}, in regards to your loan

Your autopay changed. It is now {{paymentAmount}}. (That's an additional {{extraCharge}}.)


Available Context Variables

In this section of the docs you can see what context variables are automatically calculated for a given subject's system sent messages. (Note the list is currently incomplete.)


Sent When

  • Trigger: Autopay amount increased more then X%
  • When: 9am PST

The context variables included by system when it sends autopayAmountChanged

object (Company)

The company object represents a company of Peach which uses some of Peach's applications.

It contains metadata about the company and configuration settings for how the applications should function.

Person (object) or Business (object) (ContextVarPerson)
Installment (object) or Line of Credit (object) (ContextVarLoanDataSource)

Represents a loan. A loan always belongs to a borrower, and most of the interactions between a lender and a borrower are associated with a particular loan.


The additional charge above the original autopay amount.

number (ContextVarPaymentAmount) decimal places <= 2

The amount of the payment

string <date> (ContextVarPaymentDueDate)

The due date of the payment

string (ContextVarPaymentMethod)

The payment method

Enum: "bankAccount" "card" "check" "payroll" "paymentNetwork" "moneyOrder" "wire"
string (ContextVarPaymentMethodLastFour)

The last four digits of the payment method

  • "company": {
  • "person": {
  • "loan": {
  • "extraCharge": 0,
  • "paymentAmount": 0,
  • "paymentDueDate": "2019-08-24",
  • "paymentMethod": "bankAccount",
  • "paymentMethodLastFour": "string"


Sent When

  • Trigger: Autopay was canceled by the system because payment instrument became invalid or loan terms changed.
  • When: Immediately

The context variables included by system when it sends autopayCanceledBySystem

object (Company)

The company object represents a company of Peach which uses some of Peach's applications.

It contains metadata about the company and configuration settings for how the applications should function.

Person (object) or Business (object) (ContextVarPerson)
Installment (object) or Line of Credit (object) (ContextVarLoanDataSource)

Represents a loan. A loan always belongs to a borrower, and most of the interactions between a lender and a borrower are associated with a particular loan.

string (ContextVarPaymentMethod)

The payment method

Enum: "bankAccount" "card" "check" "payroll" "paymentNetwork" "moneyOrder" "wire"
string (ContextVarPaymentMethodLastFour)

The last four digits of the payment method

string or null (AutopayCancelReason)

Why the autopay was canceled.

Enum: "invalidPaymentMethod" "paymentMethodRemoved" "tooManyFailedAttempts" "loanFrozen" "loanAccelerated" "loanChargedOff" "loanPaidOff" "canceledByUser" "loanTermsChanged"
  • "company": {
  • "person": {
  • "loan": {
  • "paymentMethod": "bankAccount",
  • "paymentMethodLastFour": "string",
  • "reason": "invalidPaymentMethod"


Sent When

  • Trigger: Borrower or agent turned on Autopay.
  • When: Immediately

The context variables included by system when it sends autopayEnabled

object (Company)

The company object represents a company of Peach which uses some of Peach's applications.

It contains metadata about the company and configuration settings for how the applications should function.

Person (object) or Business (object) (ContextVarPerson)
Installment (object) or Line of Credit (object) (ContextVarLoanDataSource)

Represents a loan. A loan always belongs to a borrower, and most of the interactions between a lender and a borrower are associated with a particular loan.

string (ContextVarPaymentMethod)

The payment method

Enum: "bankAccount" "card" "check" "payroll" "paymentNetwork" "moneyOrder" "wire"
string (ContextVarPaymentMethodLastFour)

The last four digits of the payment method

Array of objects (ContextVarPaymentSchedule)

The dates and amounts of payments to be made

  • "company": {
  • "person": {
  • "loan": {