Compliance Guard helps ensures communications with borrowers are compliant with
Can interact
Returns whether or not a communication is allowed with a borrower.
It uses past interactions, current borrower status, loan status,
and relevant Compliance Guard rules to make a decision if it is
permissable to communicate with a borrower.
Note this endpoint always returns a 200 status code if we could successfully
calculate a result. (i.e., even if a communication is not permitted
this is a 200 response.)
The subject of the interaction. The subject identifies the category of the content
in the message.
Most subjects have an associated implicit theme. e.g., loanOverdueFirstNotice has
a theme of opsCollDebt. For these subjects it is not necessary to specify a theme.
Some subjects like freeForm and custom<N> do not have an implicit theme. When
using these subjects you must specify a theme.
Note that locStatementGenerated and locStatementRegenerated are deprecated.
They will be automatically converted into statementGenerated and statementRegenerated
respectively. You should should switch to those subjects directly.
An outbound debt collection call should be marked as opsCollDebt.
An annual privacy policy update email should be marked as opsServicing.
A customer service response to borrower's inquiry should be marked as opsServicing.
DEPRECATED: inbBug, inbHumanLove, and opsServicingNegativeCreditReportNotice are deprecated:
you cannot create or update interactions to have these values.
If true, do time-based checks based on noon today, instead of
now. This does not override other reasons a check can fail: the borrower
having a Do Not Interact in place, having reached the interaction
frequency limit, etc. This is useful for generating borrower campaigns
in the morning to be carried out during business hours.
Where possible, it's always better to check permission right before an
action. Many things can change (payments are made, other automated
interactions are sent, consents/addresses can be updated) from when you
plan something to happen to when it actually happens. Lenders are
responsible for ensuring it is still permissible to conduct the
boolean or null
Default: false
true if an interaction is prerecorded or autodialed call. This attribute
is relevant when channel=voice. If no value is passed, we'll assume
isAutodialed=false (meaning manual call). If isAutodialed=true and
the contact's consentAutodialedCall=false we'll return result=false.
For more information read Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA).
An identifier of an existing contact.
The lender's identifier of the contact information.