Get pre-auth app metadata and settings.
Fetch metadata and settings for a Peach application. This endpoint is public readable because this information is necessary to properly render the frontend even for users who are not yet logged-in — i.e., the login page needs to have the right company name and color scheme.
Since multiple frontend application are supported by the backend you must specify
for which frontend application this bootstrap request is intended. The best way
to do this is by specifying domain. e.g.,
. (Please note
that a "Company App Domain" must already be configured for your environment for
this to work. There is no public API for this yet, so contact support.)
You may also specify the companyId
and appDomainType
instead of the domain
but this is discouraged and mostly intended for development / debugging.
{- "appDomainType": "borrower",
- "userType": "agent",
- "ssoLoginUrl": "string",
- "authType": "basic",
- "authValueType": "email",
- "company": {
- "agentAuthType": "basic",
- "agentAuthValueType": "email",
- "borrowerAuthType": "basic",
- "borrowerAuthValueType": "email",
- "brandAssets": {
- "logos": {
- "primary": "string",
- "small": "string"
}, - "colors": {
- "primary": "string",
- "secondary": "string",
- "tertiary": "string",
- "lighten": "string",
- "button": "string",
- "link": "string",
- "secondButton": "string",
- "secondButtonBackground": "string"
}, - "copies": {
- "consent": "string",
- "disclosures": "string"
}, - "brandName": "string",
- "communication": {
- "email_from": "",
- "email_inbound": {
- "monitored_emails": [
- ""
], - "reject_others": false
}, - "text_from_number": "+18085551234",
- "address_from": {
- "object": "address",
- "addressLine1": "string",
- "addressLine2": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "countyOrRegion": "string",
- "state": "string",
- "postalCode": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "POBox": "string",
- "timezone": "string"
}, - "enableInboundVoiceCall": true,
- "enableInboundWebChat": true,
- "enable_two_way_texting": true
}, - "defaultVerificationTypeId": "string",
- "domainName": "string",
- "evidence": {
- "captureScreenshot": true
}, - "forceCaseIdOnAgentActions": true,
- "id": "string",
- "legalName": "string",
- "links": {
- "helpUrl": "string",
- "termsOfUseUrl": "string",
- "privacyPolicyUrl": "string"
}, - "name": "string",
- "openHours": {
- "businessHours": {
- "normal": "Mon 24hrs; Tue-Fri 9:00-18:00; Sat-Sun Closed",
- "holidays": [
- {
- "date": "2024-04-01",
- "name": "April Fools Day",
- "hours": "09:00-15:00"
}, - "paymentTypes": {
- "ach": false,
- "check": false,
- "creditCard": false,
- "debitCard": false,
- "payroll": false,
- "paymentNetwork": false,
- "moneyOrder": false,
- "wire": false,
- "achVerification": {
- "microdeposit": true,
- "plaid": true
}, - "balanceCheck": {
- "plaid": true
}, - "shortDomainName": "string",
- "showPoweredByPeach": true,
- "statements": {
- "isMailStatementAllowed": true,
- "defaultStatementChannel": "email"
}, - "support": {
- "phone": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "departmentName": "string",
- "mailingAddress": {
- "object": "address",
- "addressLine1": "string",
- "addressLine2": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "countyOrRegion": "string",
- "state": "string",
- "postalCode": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "POBox": "string",
- "timezone": "string"
}, - "outboundCallRecordingConsentScript": "string",
- "privacyPolicyUrl": "string",
- "phoneSupportPleaseHoldMessage": "string",
- "enableVoicemailWhenClosed": true,
- "phoneSupportClosedMessage": "string",
- "phoneSupportDisabledMessage": "string",
- "phoneSupportClosedLeaveVoicemailMessage": "string",
- "enableVoicemailWhenNoAgents": true,
- "phoneSupportNoAgentsLeaveVoicemailMessage": "string",
- "recordAllInboundVoiceCalls": true,
- "recordAllOutboundVoiceCalls": true,
- "textSupportRejectUnknownNumberMessage": "string",
- "textSupportPleaseWaitMessage": "string",
- "textSupportClosedPleaseWaitMessage": "string",
- "textSupportFindNewAgentPleaseWaitMessage": "string",
- "textSupportDisabledMessage": "string"
}, - "timezone": "string",
- "ui": {
- "directPaymentToDraw": "shown",
- "mobileFooter": "hidden",
- "mobileHeader": "hidden",
- "mobileDisclosures": "hidden",
- "manageAutopayPage": {
- "minimumPaymentDue": "hidden",
- "statementBalance": "hidden"
}, - "makePaymentPage": {
- "remainingBalance": "hidden"
}, - "loginPage": {
- "fallbackAuthLink": "hidden"
}, - "managePaymentMethodsPage": {
- "borrower": {
- "check": "hidden",
- "creditCard": "hidden",
- "debitCard": "hidden",
- "payroll": "hidden",
- "paymentNetwork": "hidden",
- "wire": "hidden",
- "moneyOrder": "hidden",
- "deleteButton": "hidden"
}, - "agent": {
- "check": "hidden",
- "creditCard": "hidden",
- "debitCard": "hidden",
- "payroll": "hidden",
- "paymentNetwork": "hidden",
- "wire": "hidden",
- "moneyOrder": "hidden",
- "deleteButton": "hidden"
}, - "help": "hidden",
- "signOut": "hidden",
- "accountSettings": "hidden",
- "contactUs": "hidden",
- "loanOptions": {
- "managePaymentMethods": "hidden",
- "makePayment": "hidden",
- "changeDueDate": "hidden",
- "getPayoffStatement": "hidden",
- "changeNickname": "hidden",
- "manageAutopay": "hidden",
- "drawFunds": "hidden"
}, - "accountSettingsPage": {
- "profile": "hidden",
- "contactInformation": "hidden",
- "commPreferences": "hidden",
- "additionalContacts": "hidden",
- "paymentMethods": "hidden"
}, - "accountSummaryPage": {
- "summary": "hidden",
- "loanTerms": "hidden",
- "balancesDetails": "hidden",
- "promotions": "hidden",
- "merchantDetails": "hidden",
- "cardDetails": "hidden"
}, - "caseTypeOrdering": [
- {
- "category": "string",
- "caseTypes": [
- "string"
], - "agentDashboardTools": {
- "enabled": false,
- "dashboardToolDetails": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "url": "string"
}, - "websiteTitle": "string",
- "projectSlug": "string",
- "analyticsScript": "string",
- "headScripts": "string"
}, - "tasks": {
- "enableCaseOwnership": true