
This object represents an event. Events are sent from Peach to you. Events can be related to any object in this API.

Event Name Occurs when Related Object
advance.statuschanged an advance status changes Advance
advance.updated an advance amount is updated Advance
autopay.schedule.created an autopay schedule is set up Autopay
autopay.schedule.cancel an autopay schedule is canceled Autopay
autopay.schedule.changed an autopay schedule is changed Autopay
autopay.payment.rescheduled an autopay payment is rescheduled Autopay
autopay.payment.canceled an autopay payment is canceled Autopay
card.created a card is created Card
card.replacement.requested a card replacement is requested Card
card.status.changed a card's status is changed Card
case.changed a case is created, updated, or deleted, with precise change information Case
case.created [DEPRECATED - use case.changed instead] a case is created Case
case.deleted [DEPRECATED - use case.changed instead] a case is deleted Case
case.updated [DEPRECATED - use case.changed instead] a case is updated Case
case.association.added an association is added to a case Case
case.association.removed an association is removed from a case Case
case.donotinteract.changed a DoNotInteract object is created, updated, or deleted, with precise change information Case
case.donotinteract.created [DEPRECATED - use case.donotinteract.changed instead] a DoNotInteract object is created Case
case.donotinteract.deleted [DEPRECATED - use case.donotinteract.changed instead] a DoNotInteract object is deleted Case
case.donotinteract.updated [DEPRECATED - use case.donotinteract.changed instead] a DoNotInteract object is updated Case
case.donotinteract.expired a DoNotInteract object has expired Case
case.escalation.changed a case escalation is created, updated, or deleted, with precise change information Case
case.escalation.created [DEPRECATED - use case.escalation.changed instead] a case escalation is created Case
case.escalation.canceled [DEPRECATED - use case.escalation.changed instead] a case escalation is canceled Case
contact.created a contact is created Contact
contact.deleted a contact is deleted Contact
contact.updated a contact is updated Contact
communication.send communication is attempted Interaction
indexrate.created index rate is created Loan Type
indexrate.updated index rate is updated Loan Type
interaction.blocked interaction is blocked for a borrower Interaction
loan.balance.changed a loan balance changed Loan
loan.created a loan is created Loan a loan credit limit was changed Loan a draw credit limit was changed Draw
loan.creditreporting.created a loan is scheduled to start credit reporting Credit Reporting Status
loan.creditreporting.stopped a loan is scheduled to stop credit reporting Credit Reporting Status
loan.current a loan is current or became current Loan
loan.duedate.defer a single loan due date is deferred Loan
loan.fee.booked a dynamic fee is applied Loan
loan.interest.capitalized interest capitalization is triggered after a due date Loan
loan.interestaccrued.min minimum interest charge is triggered on a draw Draw
loan.latefee.booked a late fee is applied Loan
loan.modificationfee.booked a modification fee is applied Loan
loan.obligation.statuschanged a change in a loan's obligation status is recorded Loan
loan.overdue a loan is overdue Loan
loan.overdue.update a loan is overdue Loan
loan.ownerchanged a loan changes owners Loan
loan.paymentplan.setup a loan payment plan is set up Loan
loan.period.started a loan period has started Loan
loan.promiseplan.created a promise to pay plan is created Promise to Pay Plan
loan.promiseplan.statuschanged a promise to pay plan status changes Promise to Pay Plan a promise to pay plan is due today Promise to Pay Plan
loan.promiseplan.overdue a promise to pay plan becomes "overdue" Promise to Pay Plan
loan.promiseplan.current a promise to pay plan changes from "overdue" to "current" Promise to Pay Plan
loan.promoprogram.created a promo program is created Loan
loan.promoprogram.updated a promo program is updated Loan
loan.rate.created rate is created Loan
loan.rate.updated rate is updated Loan
loan.refunded payments on a loan are refunded Loan
loan.reimbursement.initiated a borrower reimbursement is initiated Loan
loan.reimbursement.processed a borrower reimbursement is processed Loan
loan.schedule.defer a loan schedule is deferred Loan
loan.statuschanged a loan changes status Loan
person.consent.updated a borrower updates their consents Borrower
person.created a borrower is created Borrower
person.monitoring.bankruptcy.started bankruptcy and deceased monitoring begins for a borrower Borrower
person.monitoring.scra.started SCRA monitoring begins for a borrower Borrower
payment.instrument.created a payment instrument is created Payment Instrument
payment.instrument.updated a payment instrument is updated Payment Instrument
payment.instrument.deactivated a payment instrument is deactivated Payment Instrument
payment.applied DEPRECATED used in place of payment.initiated for internal ACH prior to deprecation. Transaction
payment.chargeback a payment is charged back Transaction
payment.chargeback.reversed a payment is chargeback is reversed Transaction
payment.failed a payment fails Transaction
payment.initiated a payment is initiated Transaction
payment.pending a payment is pending Transaction
payment.reversed a payment is reversed Transaction
payment.succeeded a payment is succeeded Transaction
payment.scheduled a payment is scheduled Transaction
payment.rescheduled a payment is rescheduled Transaction periodically for external transactions with a status of "scheduled" Transaction
payment.hold.days.expired a transaction's hold days expired Transaction
paymentplan.created a payment plan is created Payment Plan
paymentplan.statuschanged a payment plan changes status Payment Plan
purchase.authorized a purchase is authorized Purchase
purchase.settled a purchase is settled Purchase
purchase.applied a purchase is applied. Purchase
purchase.created a purchase is created Purchase
purchase.changed a purchase is updated Purchase
purchase.dispute.created a purchase dispute is created Purchase Dispute
purchase.dispute.updated a purchase dispute is updated Purchase Dispute
statement.created a statement is created Loan
reconciliation.payment.failed a reconciliation payment fails Transaction

Retrieve events

Securityoauth2 or bearerAuth or apiKeyHeader
query Parameters
integer [ 1 .. 100 ]
Default: 25

The maximum count of results to retrieve.


Return results starting after the provided object identifier.


Return results ending before the provided object identifier.

Array of strings

The data attributes by which to sort the results.

string (AnyId) ^ext-|^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]-[A-Z0-9]+-[A-Z0-9]+|^\d+...

Filter by a Borrower's unique identifier. Can be Peach or lender's external identifier.


Use this to limit results to a specific periodId.

string (AnyId) ^ext-|^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]-[A-Z0-9]+-[A-Z0-9]+|^\d+...

Filter by Loan's unique identifier. Can be Peach or lender's external identifier.

string (AnyId) ^ext-|^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]-[A-Z0-9]+-[A-Z0-9]+|^\d+...

Filter by case's object unique identifier. Can be Peach or lender's external identifier.

string (AnyId) ^ext-|^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]-[A-Z0-9]+-[A-Z0-9]+|^\d+...

Filter by transaction's unique identifier. Can be Peach or lender's external identifier.

string <date-time>

Get events created at or after the specified time.

string <date-time>

Get events created before the specified time.

string <date-time>

Get events effective at or after the specified time.

string <date-time>

Get events effective before the specified time.

string <date>

Get events by matching accrual date. To be used for AccrueInterestEvent only.

Default: true

Include events that have been deleted.


A comma separated list of event names to return. Event name queries can end with a wildcard * character to specify all events starting with the given string. For example, case.* would give all case-related events.


A comma separated list of event names to exclude from the response. Event name queries can end with a wildcard * character to specify all events starting with the given string. For example, case.* would exclude all case-related events.


The webhook ID to filter events by. This will only include events that were sent to this webhook subscription.

Array of strings

A comma separated list of creatingMessageIds to return.



Response samples
  • "status": 0,
  • "total": 0,
  • "count": 0,
  • "nextUrl": "string",
  • "previousUrl": "string",
  • "data": [